Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October Socks

Well, I have been working as much as I can on the October socks but I don't think I will finish them in time this month. Anni extended the deadline until November 10th, but since my surgery is scheduled for October 19, and today is the 17th, and I still am working on the first sock, I can't imagine meeting the deadline. I will be in the hospital at least 10 days. Hopefully, I will feel up to knitting when I get home. If so, the socks may be finished. We will have to wait and see. I almost hope I don't like the pattern for November, because I don't think I will be up to knitting (but I know I will love it!). I have liked all of Anni's sock patterns since I started the club. Well, this will probably be my last post for awhile. Hope to be back soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It's been a week since I last posted. Well, my decision was to finish my mom's sweater. I still can't believe that is the decision I made. I have been knitting like a fiend, and I am on the second sleeve. I am hoping to be finished by the weekend. Then, I can finally start the October socks. I surprised myself. I didn't think I would keep my word to myself. HAHA I know as soon as the sweater is finished, I will have those socks on needles in no time!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October Socks

Well, I just got the pattern for the October socks. I am now in a dilemma. When I first started knitting about 3 years ago, I vowed to only work one project at a time. This was because all the other crafts I ever did, still has some projects not completed. Since I consider myself a beginner, I still like to only work one project at a time. However, I just started a sweater for my mom. I finished the back last night, and now have the front and two sleeves to make. The October socks don't look as hard as September's pattern, so I think I can make them pretty fast. Should I break my vow and make the socks and then go onto the sweater? If I really stretch it, I could say I don't have anything on needles right now because the sweater back is completed. Well, since I am working right now, I have until tonight to make my decision.